Written & Orchestrated by Max Winter
Oct 03 2019
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‘Beautiful Retreat’ was written for the Trinity Laban String Ensemble as a part of the 2019 Autumn Commissions. Bearpark, anglicised from the French ‘Beaurepaire’ which literally means ‘Beautiful Retreat’, is an area in Durham, the city I was born in. This piece is a reflection on the mining history of County Durham, in particular the Bearpark Colliery, two miles west of Durham. It is inspired by my great grandfather, who worked in the Bearpark Colliery from the age of 13 to 65, as well as the solidarity between miners required to overcome the struggles they went through every day.
Performed by Trinity Laban String Ensemble
Artwork by Daniel Breuer
Written & Orchestrated by Max Winter
Oct 03 2019
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‘Beautiful Retreat’ was written for the Trinity Laban String Ensemble as a part of the 2019 Autumn Commissions. Bearpark, anglicised from the French ‘Beaurepaire’ which literally means ‘Beautiful Retreat’, is an area in Durham, the city I was born in. This piece is a reflection on the mining history of County Durham, in particular the Bearpark Colliery, two miles west of Durham. It is inspired by my great grandfather, who worked in the Bearpark Colliery from the age of 13 to 65, as well as the solidarity between miners required to overcome the struggles they went through every day.
Performed by Trinity Laban String Ensemble
Artwork by Daniel Breuer